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Philosophers and religions have offered answers to the question raised in the title of my review article, but the ancient wisdom of an ascetic lifestyle that liberates one to think…


Fiesta de natalicio en Tánger o Los baños árabes

A Spanish Morisco Explains Morocco

His name is Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla, a professor of Arabic, Arab literature, and Islam; he has no Muslim lineage, though, but he is Spanish, and that is enough, as he…


The Tragic Clash of the Semites

The forgotten history of Jews and Muslims needs to be recovered in order to challenge a multitude of dangerous false assumptions that exacerbate the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.


The Looming Techno-Apocalypse

Like prophetic times of old, the world is abuzz with talk of the apocalypse.  For die-hard believers, the Rapture of the Second Coming promises a long-awaited reunion with the Lord…

The Mayflower Compact, 1620

Healing America’s Body Politic

Having long been an admirer of the American Revolution as a landmark event in human history, one that awakened the nations of the earth to the priceless promise of freedom,…

The Tragedy of Human Evolution

Can we ever talk about evolution when we know, as the Italian biologist Telmo Pievani tells us in Imperfection: A Natural History, that human beings are shoddily made creatures, reservoirs…

Adapted from a photo by Gage Skidmore

Ron DeSantis’s Declaration of Independence

On February 28, 2023, the print edition of the New York Times published a review of Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis’ book The Courage to Be Free. The Times reviewer, Jennifer…

Anti-Trump Protest in Washington D.C.

Trump, Biden, and the Public Sphere

When it comes to Donald Trump, two fundamental questions have kept many of us up late far too many nights over the last four years. First, what makes Trump so…

Jean Discart, L’Atalier de Poterie, Tanger | © Jean Discart

Mathias Enard’s Orient

I was perhaps 13 or 14 when I first met Muhammad Asad, alias Leopold Weiss, the distinguished journalist and author of The Road to Mecca (1952)—a memoir of his mid-century travels in…

Caravaggio’s Judith Beheading Holofernes

La Belle Juive

As a keen museumgoer, I have spent countless hours looking at paintings of beautiful Jewish women. Yet until recently I had not realized that the motif of the beautiful Jewess is a recurrent and evolving trope in Western literature and the visual arts.


Anouar Majid

Anouar Majid is the editor of Tingis magazine.

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